Other Wildlife Control
From small gardens, to paddocks and large fields we provide a traditional mole control service using traps which is both highly effective and environmentally friendly. Our methods are very successful and we will clear any area of moles therefore eliminating the disruption of digging and mounds of earth across a green. As a professional fully qualified pest controller we are able to apply gas methods, however trapping is our first and preferable choice.

The mole’s preferred diet is a carnivorous one: insect grubs, adult insects and earthworms. Neither the eastern mole nor the star-nosed mole is a rodent, and therefore any gnawing damage you detect on plants is unlikely to have been caused by moles. Moles produce two types of tunnels. One will runs just beneath the surface, these are feeding tunnels and appear as raised ridges running across your lawn. The second type runs deeper and enables the moles to unite the feeding tunnels in a network. It is the soil excavated from the deeper tunnels that homeowners find on their lawns, piled up in mounds.

Many gardeners and some professionals who catch moles often claim ‘no mole no fee’ as a sales gimic! With our experience and professional approach to any pest problem you will be reassured by our services. Upon the first (no obligation) visit and survey of the mole problem we will supply a quotation, it is standard practice that our work is guaranteed and of course we will not charge for any incomplete work.
Rabbits become sexually mature after just four months and breed rapidly. Mating occurs throughout the year with most litters born between February and August. Litters range in size between 3 and 12, after a gestation period of 28-33 days, and the kittens are weaned after 28 days. The introduction of the disease myxamatosis into the rabbit population in the 1950's put a temporary reduction on the rabbit population. However, in the past 20 years or so, widespread resistance to the disease has resulted in greater numbers being seen across the country. They damage crops and grassland by digging shallow holes to get at roots as well as eating the grass/crops. They will also destroy many garden plants and small trees.

We most often recommend that because of the rabbit’s inherent capacity for population increase, the aim should be to reduce rabbit numbers to levels at which damage is economically acceptable and the control is in-hand.

Rabbits do not respect boundaries and the most effective results will be achieved if management action is undertaken on adjoining land at the same time if possible. We install prevention fencing of effected areas and can then eliminate the population further in the restricted area. Depending on the extent of the problem control may have to be undertaken over a considerable time scale.
Squirrel control
Grey squirrels can cause serious and dangerous problems. Like rodents, they have sharp front teeth which constantly grow. They gnaw through wiring, woodwork, stored items, water pipes and insulation. This damage poses a fire hazard when they strip insulation from wiring. They can also drown in water tanks causing another serious health hazard.

If the squirrels have already gained entry, it is essential to ensure there are no squirrels remaining in the loft before the access is blocked. It is illegal to cause suffering to a captive animal and so by unintentionally trapping them inside would be considered cruel, they may also do additional damage in their attempt to escape or in a mother’s attempt to rescue her young. The decomposition of any squirrels that die will cause smell and potentially an insect infestation. Squirrels can attack when frightened and/ or defending their young.

We provide capture and secure prevention methods to avoid recurrence. Our experience ensures the problem is clear before appropriate proofing is applied.

The problem can exist in the garden, whether because they are feeding on a bird table, digging up bulbs, stripping fruit from trees etc. We offer control of squirrels for both indoors or out. It is illegal to relocate a squirrels caught in a live capture trap.
Preventative fencing is our preferred method to reduce garden damage. We are happy to discuss any deer problem you may have.